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ec-4.2.1 Documentation

ec 4.2.1        Copyright (C) Marc DECHICO

Published under GNU Licence see the COPYING Licence file

This documentation explains how to install and use the program.

I) Installing the linux version

a)intallation with  tar.gz file:
Download the fileec-4.2.1.tar.gz

With a terminal emulator (like xterm): 

Uncompress it with:                    tar zxfec-4.2.1.tar.gz
Enter the directory with :             cdec-4.2.1
Prepare the programm with:             ./configure
Compile it with:		       make

Login as root with :                   su  (and type the password for root)
Install the programm:                  make install
Uninstall the programm:		       make uninstall

b) installation with the src.rpm
Download ec-4.2.1-0.src.rpm

With a terminal emulator follow the directives you have
found on the web about src.rpm for your specific distribution.
II)Installing the linux pgm using Window / Cygwin
Cygwin is a compatibility software for Linux/Unix progamms under Windows.
It is recommanded to have some experience with Linux or Unix if you 
want to use Cygwin and to follow the installation instruction given 
on cygwin.com.

Cygwin use an arborescence of directories alike Linux and Unix in a Windows
directory and a terminal emulator like in Linux and Windows.

Two steps installation:
-- Download with Windows the cygwin installation program and install 
   the minimal base packages following the installation directives given 
   on the site cygwin.com.
   Be sure you have the minimal development packages (gcc ..) using the 
   Cygwin setup program.

-- Download the ec-4.2.1.tar.gz in a Cygwin directory (for exemple 
   c:\cygwin\home) and use the Cygwin terminal to end the installation 
   as you would do with a Linux system.

III) How to use the pgm
Linux: Start Xterm or log in Console mode and  type: ec
Windows/Cygwin: Start the Cygwin Terminal  and type : ec 
You should get:
 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |     Ec-4.2.1 Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Marc Dechico
8: r | n | b | q | k | b | n | r :8    mailto: ec@dechico.com
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    /ec/ec
7: p | p | p | p | p | p | p | p :7     
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    Ec comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
6:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :6    This is free software, and you are 
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    welcome to redistribute it under certain
5:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :5    conditions. Read the file GNU_Licence.
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-   
4:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :4    
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-   
3:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :3     
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    Marc DECHICO
2:(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P):2    Kerfring
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    29390 SCAER FRANCE
 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | 
Turn=White Curr_Deep=0 Simu=3.2 V:01 Help:Type ?
piece type k(king), q(queen), b(bishop), r(rook), n(knight), p(pawn).

a)New Menu:
Chose the difficulty-level:
      Type "b1" + "Enter" for beginner level 
      Type "m1" + "Enter" for medium level  (default)
      Type "h1" + "Enter" for higher level 

Chose the color:
      Type "white" + "Enter" to play white (default)
      Type "black" + "Enter" to play black

Move a piece:
      Type "E3E4" + Enter 

Change last move:
      Type "retract" + Enter 

Resign game:
      Type "resign" + Enter 

Quit Game:
      Type "q" + Enter 

New GHame:
      Type "n" + Enter 

b)old Menu
Beaware that the statistics are generared only from 4 subsinquents moves.
The mark( note)  use all the subsequent moves.
The exclamation point shows that a taken occured at leaf.

You can either move the pieces for each side or ask the pgm to
do it

Moving a piece(playing), type             : m E2E4 
of course a pawn must be present on E2
The moves  are fully controlled so the pgm should'nt allow you to
type m f1 f3 with a bishop on f1!.....

Moving automatically a piece              : rm
The programme simulate the next moves, reckon the best one and
move the piece.

Moving a piece and let the programme reply: mm E2E4
Same result that doing subsequently m E2E4 and rm.

Going back one move, type:	          : b 

File save                                 : fs
In case you want to continue the game later, the game is saved in a file 
named ec_std in the current directory.

File load                                 : fl
When you want to continue a game previously saved with fs. 

Changing the side for the printing of the board: s 

Quitting the pgm                          : q

Printing the board again                  : pb
If you want to see again the board after having printed other things.

Modifying  Depth (2) and and increment to (10) type: l 2.10 
It's better when the depth (2) isn't modified.
The increment can be modified to modify the difficulty.
Higher the increment is, higher difficulty-level you get. 

When depth (n) is chosen all the (n) subsequent moves are explored.
When increment(i) is chosen more subsequents move are explored but only 
when a taken occurs.

Printing the result, without moving type  : r
you should  get at the end of the simulation:
 N pFrTo CapNot S   Mat_Nbr RfMat_Nbr IcMat_Nbr   Sta_Nbr RfSta_Nbr IcSta_Nbr
13 PE2E3  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
10 PD2D4  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
11 PD2D3  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
 0 NB1C3  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
 3 NG1F3  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
 9 PC2C3  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
 7 PB2B3  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
17 PG2G3  0	W         0         0         0         0         0         0
		B         0         0         0         0         0         0
Best Move:13->P_E2E3  Next_page:+
Turn=White Curr_Deep=0 Simu=3.2 V:01 Help:Type ?
column N        Number of the move 
column Fr       Starting field
column To       Arriving field 
	         + new piece type for the pawn when arriving
	         on the last board's line. (D:Queen, C:knight)
column CapNot   != Taken at leaf (result is less sure)
		Mark attributed by the simulator to the move 
                 It adds the better move encountered  during the simulation 
                 If  the blanc capture a pawn(10)  at first level  but the black  are able to 
                 capture a bishop(30)  at second level you will get a 10-30 = -20.
		 This mark can be modified in such case:
		 _ The mat mark is decremented with depth and will overwrite previous mark 
		   in order to go faster to mat.
Mat             Number of checkmate.
RfMat           Number of checkmate only when no pieces are captured .
IcMat           Number of checkmate only when the simulation-depth is incremented.                    

Sta             Number of Stalemate .
RfSta           Idem RfMat.
IcSta           Idem IcMat.		

Print initial move           : pi 10
Number:10 Movement:Q B5C5
 D I  S   Mvt_Nbr   Mat_Nbr RfMat_Nbr IcMat_Nbr   Sta_Nbr RfSta_Nbr IcSta_Nbr  Fork_Nbr
 2 0  B +3.80e+01         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
 3 0  W +1.72e+03 +1.00e+00 +1.00e+00         0         0         0         0 +3.40e+01
 4 1  B +3.57e+03         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
 5 1  W +9.02e+03         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
Prv_Mvt:G7G6 Turn=White Curr_Deep=8 Simu=3.2 V:01 Help:Type ?
D            Depth.
I            Increment (0=depth isn't incremented  1=depth is incremented.
S            Side: B=Black W=White.
Mvt_nbr      Number of move.
Mat	     Number of checkmate.
RfMat	     Number of checkmate when no capture are made.
IcMat	     Number of checkmate when depth is incremented.
Sta	     Idem mat but for stalemate
Fork         this number is incremented when a piece can capture several pieces

Print Mark 2              :pm2
Coefficient	         5        10         1         7        15         3         3         3         3        50
 N pFrTo CapNot    Mat_Nbr RfMat_Nbr IcMat_Nbr   Sta_Nbr RfSta_Nbr IcSta_Nbr   Pie_Cov  Fork_Nbr   Pie_Mob
31 NG1F3  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.00e+01 +7.95e-03 +6.13e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        74        61        88 +1.54e+01
39 PF2F4  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.12e+01 +8.52e-03 +5.24e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        73        63        83 +1.51e+01
36 PD2D4  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.13e+01 +8.15e-03 +5.03e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        73        62        82 +1.50e+01
33 PA2A3  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.01e+01 +7.93e-03 +4.12e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        74        61        77 +1.47e+01
42 PG2G3  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.00e+01 +7.93e-03 +4.12e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        74        61        77 +1.47e+01
40 PF2F3  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.11e+01 +8.51e-03 +3.18e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        73        63        73 +1.45e+01
26 BF1E2  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -8.01e+01 +7.94e-03 +4.10e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        70        61        77 +1.45e+01
32 PA2A4  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.01e+01 +8.13e-03 +3.08e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        74        62        72 +1.45e+01
27 BF1D3  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -7.11e+01 +8.11e-03 +3.17e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        73        62        73 +1.45e+01
41 PG2G4  0	         0         0         0         0         0         0 -8.02e+01 +7.95e-03 +4.03e+00
		         0         0       100         0         0         0        70        61        77 +1.45e+01
maximum		 +5.83e-04 +5.83e-04         0         0         0         0         0 +2.46e-02 +8.44e+00
minimum		         0         0 -5.95e-04         0         0         0 -2.70e+02 -1.91e-02 -1.11e+01
Best Move:31->N_G1F3 		 Next_page:+
Prv_Mvt:G7G6 Turn=White Curr_Deep=8 Simu=3.2 V:01 Help:Type ?
First Line:
Mat, RfMat, IcMat, Sta,RfSta, IcSta, Fork are calculated in this manner.
[d] represent the depthness during the simulation.
Weighted Number[d] = Number[d]/ Number-of-move[d].
A total is made from the weighted number for each side 
and finally the number printed =  Total_White - Total_Black (if the Black are the opponent).

Second Line:
Number (Number 1) Made from the first-line result.
0 for the lowest result and 100 for the highest.

On the second-line end: Mark= (Number 1 * Coeff 1 + .....+ Number n * Coeff n)/ Coef Total    

This mark is used as the second key to order the move from the best to the worst.
The first key is the Capture_Mark.

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