Documentation for ec-3.0-1 (Upd Jan.23, 2002)
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ec-3.0-1        Copyright (C) Marc DECHICO

Published under GNU Licence see GNU_Licence file

This documentation explain how to install  and use the pgm.

I) Installing the dos or linux pgm

All datas are in a directory named ec301len and were compressed in the file     
Put the .zip file in the directory you want to install ec-3.0-1 and unzip it:
unzip (if you kept the same filename for the download) 

All datas are in a directory named ec301den and were compressed in the file     
You will need a programe  like PKZIP or WINZIP to unzip the file.

II) How to use the pgm
After entering the ec301.... directory. 

Run the pgm by typing  	./ec (on linux)    or     ec (on dos)

you should get:

 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |     Ec-3.0-1 Copyright (C) 2001 Marc Dechico
8: r | n | b | q | k | b | n | r :8    mailto:
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    /ec
7: p | p | p | p | p | p | p | p :7     
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    Ec comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
6:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :6    This is free software, and you are 
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    welcome to redistribute it under certain
5:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :5    conditions. Read the file GNU_Licence.
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    You can contribute to the efforts made
4:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :4    by the author by sendind encouragment or
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    a crossed check (10 Euros) to :
3:   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :3     
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    Marc DECHICO
2:(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P)|(P):2    Kerfring
-+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +-    29390 SCAER FRANCE
 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | 
Turn=White Curr_Deep=0 Lev=4 Inc=2 White=h Black=m Help:Type ?

piece type k:king, q:queen, f:bishop, r:rook, n:knight, p:Pawn.

You can either move the pieces for each side or ask the pgm to
do it

Moving a piece(playing), type             : m E2E4 
of course a pawn must be present on E2
The moves  are fully controlled so the pgm should'nt allow you to
type m f1 f3 with a bishop on f1!.....

Moving automatically a piece              : rm
The programme simulate the next moves, reckon the best one and
move the piece.

Moving a piece and let the programme reply: mm E2E4
Same result that doing subsequently m E2E4 and rm.

Going back one move, type:	          : b 

File save                                 : fs
In case you want to continue the game later, the game is saved in a file 
named ec_std in the current directory.

File load                                 : fl
When you want to continue a game previously saved with fs. 

Changing the side for the printing of the board: s h m 
s h m Blank=(H)uman   Black=(M)achine
s m h Blank=(M)achine Black=(H)uman

Quitting the pgm                          : q

Printing the result, without moving type  : r
you should  get at the end of the simulation: 

 N DeAr Not:   M:P:   m:p! N DeAr Not:   M:P:   m:p! N DeAr Not:   M:P:    m:p
 0 B1C3   0:   1:0:   0:0!20 F1C4  -5:  25:0:   0:0!40 H2H3  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
 1 B1A3  -1:   1:0:   0:0!21 F1B5  -1:   0:0:   0:0!41 H2H4  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
 2 H5H6 -10:   0:0:   0:0!22 F1A6  -5:   1:0:   0:0!
 3 H5H7  -9:   0:0:   0:0!23 G1H3  -1:  22:0:   0:0!
 4 H5H4 -10:   0:0:   0:0!24 G1E2  -1:   0:0:   0:0!
 5 H5H3  -1:   0:0:   0:0!25 G1F3  -1:  44:0:   0:0!
 6 H5G4   0:   0:0:   0:0!26 A2A3  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
 7 H5F3   0:   1:0:   0:0!27 A2A4  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
 8 H5E2   0:   0:0:   0:0!28 B2B3  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
 9 H5D1  -1:   0:0:   1:0!29 B2B4  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
10 H5G5 -10:   0:0:   0:0!30 C2C3  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
11 H5F5 -10:   1:0:   0:0!31 C2C4  -1:   0:0:   0:0!
12 H5E5  -1:   0:0:   0:0!32 D2D3  -1:   0:0:   0:0!
13 H5D5  -9:   0:0:   0:0!33 D2D4  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
14 H5G6 -10:   1:0:   0:0!34 E4E5   0:   0:0:   0:0!
15 H5F7  -9:   0:0:   0:0!35 E4D5   0:   2:0:   0:0!
16 E1E2  -1:   0:0:   1:0!36 F2F3   0:   1:0:   0:0!
17 E1D1  -1:   1:0:   0:0!37 F2F4  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
18 F1E2  -1:   1:0:   0:0!38 G2G3  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
19 F1D3   0:   1:0:   0:0!39 G2G4  -1:   1:0:   0:0!
Best_move:35->E4D5  Piece=P  Side=0 Lev=8 10
Prv_Mvt:D7D5 Turn=White Curr_Deep=4 Lev=4 Inc=2 White=h Black=m Help:Type ?

column N    Number of the move 
column De   Starting field
column Ar   Arriving field 
	    + new piece type for the pawn when arriving
	    on the last board's line.
            (D:Queen, C:knight)
column Not  Mark attributed by the simulator to the movment 
            It adds the better movements encountered  during the simulation 
            If  the blanc take a pawn(1)  at first level  but the black  are able to 
            take a bishop(3)  at second level you will get a 1-3 = -2.
M           Number of mat after chess by the whites.
P           Number of pat that after chess by the whites.
m/p         Same thing but for the black.                    
            These Pat/mat  informations are note actually very reliable because they 
            are based also  on bad moves that nobody would probably choose.
            But you will see them increase when  a side is having difficulties.....
	    I use it to choose among mouvements having the same mark.
Mei_mvt = 35 (Number of the best move) E4D5 (Best move)

Printing the board type: pb
Useful if you want to see again the  board after printing results.

Modifying  levels to 6 and and increment to  2, type:		l 6 2   
The default level ( 4 2) should be enough to play with a 733 Mhz 
(you will wait roughly  1 to 20 seconds). On a  Celeron 566Mhz the values
(3 3)  is a better fit.  

More important the level and increment are , more difficult is it to win against
the computer, but more time it will need to reckon the best move. 

At level 4 the machine will explore all the next 4 subsequents moves; an increment
of 2 will increase the exploration to 2 more moves when pieces are taken.

III) Problemes 
I didn't find bugs but didn't spend much time to find them.

When typing bad commandes:
If you can't get back the sign > type anything and Enter (several time if needed 
until it prints again the sign >) and retype the commande. 

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